About Us
Residents’ meetings are held every 2 months, the last Wednesday of odd numbered months, at 7:30pm, in the SES Building, cnr Bunya Road and Jinker Track

Debra Green, President
Debra is a long-time resident of Bunya, having lived in the area since 1992. Recently retired, she loves to play bridge, have a hit of golf and spend time with her much-loved rottweiler dog. To contact Debra, please email president@bunyaresidents.asn.au.

Carolyn Hohnke, Vice President
Carolyn has been a local resident and an active member of the Bunya Residents’ Association for many years, and even served as president. As Vice President, she oversees the restoration of the Old Bunya School site. When she’s not volunteering her time in the local community Carolyn is enjoying retirement and loves to spend time with her grandchildren, take caravan trips, garden, paint and read. Her husband, Daryl Hohnke, is also a long-time committee member of the Bunya Residents Association, and a keen fisherman. To contact Carolyn, you can email her on vicepresident@bunyaresidents.asn.au.

Tracey Holtum, Treasurer
Tracey is married to Chris and has two young adult children who both still live at home! They have lived in the beautiful suburb of Bunya for 10 years. Tracey is a Chartered Accountant specialising in taxation and advice for more than 30 years. She loves spending time at the beach and caravanning and is looking forward to being a grey nomad in her retirement. To contact Tracey, please email treasurer@bunyaresidents.asn.au.

Adele Green, Secretary
Adele is a recent, post-retirement arrival in Bunya, along with husband Chris. She enjoys hiking in the local forests, regular visits to the beach, and late in life, is learning to play the piano. To contact Adele, please email secretary@bunyaresidents.asn.au.

Adele Bain, Minutes Secretary
For any secretarial enquiries, please email secretary@bunyaresidents.asn.au.

Jodie Chambers, Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
Jodie works in conjunction with the Bunya Residents Association, and with Sergeant Sharnelle Harris, the Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Queensland Police Service in the Pine Rivers area. Jodie has lived in Bunya for ten years with her husband and two dogs. Jodie is also a wildlife rescuer, who is regularly called on to assist injured or dispaced wildlife in the area. For any Neighbourhood Watch enquiries, please email Jodie on nhw@bunyaresidents.asn.au.